ATS Active Shooter Training and Threat Assessment.
Of active shooter attacks are over in under 5 minutes.
Of organizations name active shooters as a top threat.
Of organizations are not prepared for an active shooter attack.
Know Your Threat
Download our FREE Active Shooter Pamphlet (click on each image below)
Why Active Shooter Response Training?
The Department of Homeland Security defines an active shooter as “an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearm(s) and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims. Active shooter situations are unpredictable and evolve quickly.
Typically, the immediate deployment of law enforcement is required to stop the shooting and mitigate harm to victims.” Since active shooter situations are often over within 5 to 10 minutes, well before law enforcement arrives on the scene, individuals must be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with an active shooter situation.

The Department of Homeland Security and other U.S. government agencies have developed online resources to serve as reference material to help educate the public. However, would you take swimming lessons online? Or play driving video games as a way to learn how to drive?
It is safe to say that the answer to both those questions, is “no”. This is why it does not make sense for entities to think that it is acceptable to only provide online lessons as a means to prepare for one of the most extremely unpredictable and dangerous events that one can face. Advanced Tactical Solutions offers expert, in person, actionable training courses that will save lives for your institution should an active shooter event take place.
The frequency of workplace violence and active shooter incidents has increased in recent decades, and these incidents have affected numerous places where citizens congregate, such as schools, workplaces, places of worship, shopping malls, public meetings, and movie theaters. Agencies continually evaluate these events in an attempt to generate profiles of active shooters.
Unfortunately, there are no hard links to provide accurate profiles. Although there are no perfect profiles, there are several indicators that can give clues to the possibility of a potential active shooter. Preparedness and continuous evaluation of these events is necessary and should be aimed at the detection, management, and resolution of an impending crisis in order to effectively exercise early prevention mechanisms.
These kind of events highlight the need to reduce the risk of active shooter incidents while improving preparedness and strengthening ongoing efforts intended to prevent future occurrences. Advanced Tactical Solutions, LLC (ATS), has global professional experience in these kinds of events. We will tailor on-site training for businesses to ensure your employees and security professionals are better prepared. Our training class, (usually between 4-6 hrs. – depending on participation) reviews best practices and creates a customized plan and right mind-set that begins with proper education and training! Please contact Advanced Tactical Solutions to discuss and get a free threat assessment consultation. Reached ATS by email or by phone: (706) 502-8898.
Is your team professionally trained to respond to an active shooter or a critical emergency? ATS is an Ellijay, Georgia based firearms training facility, specializing in security and threat assessment. ATS is dedicated to promoting safe, sustainable education of firearms and self-preservation to the community.
ATS has performed numerous site assessments for businesses throughout the United States to bring awareness of the vulnerability to threats. As experts in security and threat analysis, ATS’s experience ranges from law enforcement to military with additional backgrounds in overseas contracting and executive protection.
Responding to an active shooter, assaults, or domestic disputes, it is critical to have an organized plan and provide your security team with the knowledge they need to be successful. With years of experience, our instructors have worked domestically and abroad protecting properties and training security teams to prepare for emergency situations.
From site analysis to hands on training, we will provide the tactics your team needs. We can provide this training at your location, or join us in our facility in Ellijay, Georgia. Let us help prepare your team with training, tactics, and understanding of the law in order to keep your business safe. Please contact Advanced Tactical Solutions to discuss and get a free threat assessment consultation. We can be reached by email or by phone: (706) 502-8898
Many Active Shooter Training courses only provide a few minutes of video education, or don’t suit the unique features of your school in particular. In these cases, the hands-on Active Shooter Training for schools provided by Advanced Tactical Solutions will produce the advanced skillset and knowledge necessary to empower teachers and administrative staff to react to an incident of violence and protect themselves and their students.
Even with a school resource officer on duty, those first moments between the initial act of violence and the arrival of law enforcement are critical. Every single member of your team will need to act quickly and effectively to minimize injuries and save lives. During our Active Shooter Training Classes for Schools, we’ll meet with key members of the team or even the entire staff, depending on your situation.
Teachers and other staff that attend Active Shooter Training will discover how to recognize the sights and sounds that signal a potential threat, identify the most effective actions to take to protect their students and themselves, and learn how to act as their own first responders until law enforcement and EMTs arrive.
The class includes hands-on Emergency Medical Training for applying tourniquets and packing wounds using lifelike medical trainers. These techniques can save lives even in the event of accidental injuries, and your teachers and staff will be able to take this knowledge with them into their everyday lives. Active Shooter Training for Schools is available in Ellijay, Georgia and throughout the US. Please contact Advanced Tactical Solutions to discuss and get a free threat assessment consultation. We can be reached by email or by phone: (706) 502-8898
Active Shooter Training for Places of Worship
While houses of worship traditionally are places of safety and peace, they are not immune to gun violence. While shootings in houses of worship are rare, they can result in many fatalities and traumatize a community. As a religious leader, you should help your congregation be prepared for this type of crisis—and, if necessary, lead your community through a healthy recovery process.
Our training course will cover topics to educate members, staff, leadership, and clergy on how to protect people and property; The protection of those entrusted to your care is a critical element of a House of Worship. Taking these additional, proactive steps will especially demonstrate your care and concern for the members, staff, and guests in your facility.
This training course is designed to inform and educate those responsible for maintaining a safe environment for the people and property associated with churches, chapels, synagogues, temples, mosques, or any other place of worship we reverently call a House of Worship.
Our course will also help House of Worship leaders to learn how to prevent, avoid, and control various risks associated with the members, staff, guests, and buildings that make up your House of Worship. Fortunately, with expert training, most crimes are preventable! Please contact Advanced Tactical Solutions to discuss and get a free threat assessment consultation. We can be reached by email or by phone: (706) 502-8898
Active Shooter Training for Government Agencies
While it would seem if any employees would be secure from extreme workplace violence, those working in highly-secured government buildings should be that fortunate group. However, the truth is otherwise. Many federal government locations have experienced attacks yielding casualties for example:
- The US Capitol
- The Manhattan Federal Building
- Multiple VA Hospitals.
- Multiple military installations
All of the above, and many more governmental agencies have seen events caused by both deranged individuals and those motivated by terrorism that have caused injuries and deaths: Fort Hood, US Army Recruiting Stations, and the US Navy Yard.
State, County, and Local government facilities have also experienced mass shootings: The Connecticut State Lottery, San Bernardino County of Public Health, Kirkwood MO City Council are examples. And like their federal counterparts, the motivation for the shootings of employees at these facilities ranged from disgruntled employees or citizens to terrorism.
Like all other locations, the degree of Prevention and Protection afforded by the facility can never be high enough to afford 100% guarantee of today being just like yesterday. Government civilian employees must be properly prepared to respond to extreme workplace violence. ATS offers the best tool available to ensure this group of public servants are ready should the unthinkable occur. Please contact Advanced Tactical Solutions to discuss and get a free threat assessment consultation. We can be reached by email or by phone: (706) 502-8898
Active Shooter Training for Venues & Events
Manchester, Paris, London, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Hood, San Bernardino, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Orlando, Aurora, Newtown … the list goes on. Active shooter events have become all too common internationally and here in the U.S., where the number of active shooter events increased from just one in 2000 to 20 in 2015, according to the FBI. Locations where events occurred varied greatly – from schools to movie theatres to nightclubs to arenas – but all were places where citizens gathered together.
Because of their role as community gathering spaces, theatres and other large venues are recognized as potential targets for those wishing to cause harm. Whether you work for a college theatre, a large performing arts center, or a small concert venue, your facility needs to invest the time required to prepare for an active shooter event.
Planning is critical, but encouraging workers to be aware of their surroundings on a daily basis is just as important in preventing or dealing with an active shooter event at a venue. As ATS points out, “The key to responding to an active shooter is the same as the key to avoiding safety and security issues of all kinds: situational awareness.”
The experts at ATS recommend planning for quarterly small-scale training operations if possible. Small-scale training could include something as simple as a staff walk-through of the facility or taking time to re-evaluate practices and the evacuation plan. At this same time, staff can ensure emergency supplies are in working order and stored appropriately, and can integrate new staff members into the plan.
Do not be the venue that waits to formulate a plan until the worst has already happened. Planning, implementation, training exercises and continuing education will provide you with essential tools to protect your staff and your audience should the unthinkable happen at your theatre. Be prepared, and be safe. Please contact Advanced Tactical Solutions to discuss and get a free threat assessment consultation. We can be reached by email or by phone: (706) 502-8898
Active Shooter Training for Retail / Shops
Since 2006, over 75% of mass shootings have occurred at commercial businesses. From car washes and beauty salons to grocery stores and big-box retailers, no commercial property is safe from the threat of gun violence that has become so commonplace in our country.
The first retail shooting of the modern era took place in 1966 on a beauty school campus in Mesa, Arizona. Since then, there have been more than 30 shootings at retail locations across the United States, with dozens of people left dead as a result. The deadliest store shooting took place in 2019 at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, which claimed the lives of 22 people.

The mass shooting crisis is a growing epidemic and a uniquely American problem, with more than half of the retail mass shootings between 1966 and 2021 occurring in the past 10 years.
Business owners need to take proactive solutions to curb gun violence at their retail outlets. This includes implementing Emergency Action Plans and active shooting training for store employees and security teams and installing security cameras complete with integrated AI gun detection software to recognize guns and alert the authorities before any shots are fired. Please contact Advanced Tactical Solutions to discuss and get a free threat assessment consultation. We can be reached by email or by phone: (706) 502-8898