Tier 4 Training
NOTE: All Classes Include Breakfast and BBQ Lunch

This level of training course is strictly designed for individuals who are technically experienced in handgun firearm use & manipulation, being able to move and shoot, and having the desire to advance their tactical skill sets. This course is designed to enhance the skills of the average everyday citizen that regularly carries a concealed weapon and wants to experience exciting firearms training, aside from a static indoor range, shooting at paper zombies. We believe that most courses offered today, DO NOT provide enough training based around the basic urban tactical skill-set and the defense of the active shooter scenario.

This course will provide you realistic training that will prepare you for today’s uncertain world. This course is also designed as a training class for students based on the concept that all students are competent with their firearm. This means you can operate the pistol effectively without any actual problematic thought process. Once you are at this stage in your training and competency, you will be looking to “kick it up”, and that’s what we do in Tier 4.

This class goes into gun fighting techniques and tactical encounters in realistic life-like type urban settings, a little deeper with some unconventional techniques and a focus on repetitive drills in a scenario-based training environment. Topics covered include: Multiple assailant techniques, fighting from the ground, basic simple assailant threat scenarios, surprise attack in a restful position, active shooter threat in a public setting, injured arm/hand shooting techniques, one-hand loading and reloading, and fighting your way to the pistol and lots more.

(Dates Subject to Change Without Notice)

Training Includes
  • Learn to be mentally and physically prepared to deal with an active threat situations.
  • Get to know the 5 basic strategies in an active shooter or threat event.
  • LEO’s may arrive AFTER the shooting has ended. Learn what you can do to prevent casualties.
  • Firearm & Medical related first aid training for basic situations, with tourniquet field work applications
  • Basic rules of engagement for various threatening scenarios.
  • Use a firearm effectively in case of personal emergency with a tactical mindset.
  • Presenting your handgun while on the move.
  • Various magazine changes and reloads in stressful situations.
  • Responding to threats utilizing non-standard presentation techniques.
  • Responding to threats from the rear.
  • Shooting instinctively, while under attack.
  • Shooting with multiple attackers.
  • One-handed malfunction clearances, strong-hand, support-hand.
  • Malfunction clearances on the move.
  • Situational decision making based on your threats weapon, characteristics, size, and proximity.
  • Advanced use of cover and concealment.
  • Shooting from unconventional positions. (lying flat, kneeling, on your side)
  • Shooting utilizing cover while using a flashlight, as well as multiple flashlight staging.
  • Develop mental acuity, focus, dexterity, balance, and spatial awareness while performing tactical skill-based weapons manipulations.
  • Build and implement required muscle memory with many repetitions.
  • All targets, course equipment, for the entire training event.
  • Everyone receives our ATS “Zero Excuses” punisher flag t-shirt & our ATS embroidered morale patch.
  • Everyone competes for great swag Morale Patches, and everyone gets a completion certificate.
  • A nice early breakfast to start the day with juice or coffee, followed by a great BBQ lunch to be provided, as well as Power Bars, Snacks, Sports Drinks, Water, all day.
  • Bring a great attitude, expect to learn but have fun, and leave Mr. Rambo at home!! (MANDATORY).

Completion of a legitimate training course, or the ATS Tier 3 CCW Training Course (highly recommended, (but not required) OR have some experience in a structured “run and gun” firearm training environment, Shooting from a holster a definite must. Having some basic prior experience in firearm self-defense safety and handling pistol handguns in firearm shooting applications like live scenarios would be very helpful and recommended.

Time & Location

Classes begin at 08:30 sharp! and will conclude approx. 18:00. Please arrive early for registration, breakfast, and check-in.

Gear to Bring (Mandatory and Optional Gear)
  • A baseball style cap (or hat)
  • Safety glasses or eyeglasses
  • Ear protection
  • Comfortable outdoor clothing. (Make sure you are prepared for all weather conditions)
  • Sturdy footwear suitable for rapid gravel/dirt terrain movement
  • Sturdy utility carry belt
  • Minimum of 3-4 Magazines w/ pouches (mandatory)
  • Bring current firearm used for everyday conceal carry or your tactical firearm
  • Bring EDC holster used for everyday conceal carry, or your belt-mounted tactical firearm holster.
  • 600 rounds of ammunition (at a minimum). Ammunition is NOT included in cost.
  • Ammo loading device
  • Small handheld flashlight
  • Knee and elbow pads are (optional)
  • A Tactical Vest (optional)
  • Personal hydration system, such as a water bottle or Camelback (optional)
  • Sunscreen (optional) (Strongly recommended)
  • Notebook, pen/pencil (optional)

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