Tier 9 Training

Vehicle Assault Tactical Class

NOTE: All Classes Include Breakfast and BBQ Lunch

The course is designed to equip participants with the essential skills and knowledge needed to use firearms effectively in the context of vehicle defense. It begins by exploring the unique challenges posed by confined spaces inside a vehicle, where movement is restricted, and how this can affect positioning and aiming. Participants learn to adapt their shooting techniques to account for the limited space while maintaining control of their firearm. The course also delves into vehicle dynamics, focusing on how a moving vehicle impacts the use of firearms and the importance of understanding how to position oneself within the vehicle during a confrontation.

Ballistic considerations are a key part of the training, as participants are taught how different types of ammunition and the structure of the vehicle itself can influence the outcome of a firefight. For instance, students will understand how to account for bullet penetration through glass, doors, and other vehicle components, as well as how to use these materials to their advantage for cover. Practical tactics are a major focus of the course, including strategies for engaging threats both inside and outside the vehicle, how to safely exit the vehicle while remaining aware of potential dangers, and how to protect oneself and others in high-stress situations. Throughout, the course emphasizes situational awareness, quick decision-making, and the mental preparedness necessary to survive a potentially life-threatening encounter while in or near a vehicle. The aim is to build participants’ confidence and competence in using firearms under these specific conditions, ensuring they are better prepared for real-world defense scenarios.

(Dates Subject to Change)

Key Topics Covered in Training

Situational Awareness

Understanding Cover and Concealment

Bullet Penetration in Vehicles

Angles of Engagement

Techniques for Firing While Seated

Shooting Through Glass

Tactical Egress

Using the Vehicle for Cover

Ambush Situations

Multi-Attacker Scenarios

Retention Techniques

Hand-to-Hand Defense in a Vehicle

  1. Shooting from inside the vehicle
  2. Exiting the vehicle and engaging
  3. Movement around the vehicle
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